Michael O'Brien is currently living in Glasgow. His work has been featured in various places in print and online from the good folks at Blue and Yellow dog, Shamrock, Up Literature, Zoomoozophone Review, Lyrical Passion, Phantom Kangaroo, In Between Altered States, et al.
Julia Drescher lives in Colorado Springs where she co-edits Further Other Book Works with C.J. Martin. Her work has most recently appeared in chapbook form from New Lights Press & the LRL Textile Series. Her poems may also be found in Entropy, Dusie, Aufgabe, Omniverse & Fairy Tale Review. A “collaboration” with Jack Spicer (poems/visual essays) is forthcoming in Likestarlings.
Andrew Brenza lives on a little street in New Jersey. The street is full of houses and the houses are full of people. Sometimes, it snows. Andrew's recent work has appeared in or is forthcoming from Otoliths, The Sink Review, The Cortland Review, SpringGun Journal, and Indefinite Space. His first full-length collection, Gossamer Lid, is forthcoming from Trembling Pillow Press.
Evan Kennedy is a poet and bicyclist who lives in San Francisco. He is the author of Terra Firmament (Krupskaya) and The Sissies (forthcoming from Futurepoem). dirtyswan.wordpress.com
Lylas is a Nashville based song ensemble revolving around the compositions of singer Kyle Hamlett. For over 10 years, Lylas has been weaving it's weird web of finger plucked musings, beat driven drone poems, and ghostly textures into an ever morphing musical fabric.
Nicholas Rosenfeld Grider is the author of the story collection Misadventure (A Strange Object) and his work has appeared in Caketrain, Conjuntions, DIAGRAM, Guernica, and other publications. He lives in Milwaukee, where he’s a pre-med student.